Friday, November 6, 2009

Softie madness

So this past week has been crazy for us. We joined our church. (Yay!) showed our house several times, and have gotten Two offers. So, I guess we'll be moving in a month or so. Exciting but also scary. The children have been handling it well. (There's been confusion as to who's who in with the children, so M is oldest, C is middle, and J is youngest. That should make it easier on you all to figure it out! LOL ) J has had some "monster" issues and been a bit clingy and huggy (I count the hug as a perk) since all this moving talk has started. But, other than that it's been easy.
I do have a Super J Wonder Boy adventure for you (I really should start drawing these adventures for you). So J is 4, and at this tender age has learned to scale our slick metal porch supports and pull himself up and over the overhang. That's right folks J is a sticky handed climbing monkey who can get on the roof! The ROOF! (I didn't attempt that till 11! Yes mother I did do it while you were at work. LOL) I asked him what he was doing up there and he said he was seeing the world. Too cute, but tooo tooo scary since there are electric wires up there. He also told me one day on the way home that he needed me to go get his cape and bring him back to a cellphone tower so he could jump off of it and fly. Needless to say we had a talk about how it was okay for little monkeys to PRETEND to fly buy they could not actually try it! He reluctantly said he wouldn't try it. Let's hope he sticks to it!
On the crafty front, I have been making softies like a mad woman. First I made a bear out of wool felt for C. I used the book "Toys to Sew" by Claire Garland (not sure how to add a link yet, so you'll have to look it up for yourselves) It turned out cute. C wanted a girl, so I added a felt flower to her ear and made her a dress instead of a vest. C loved it so much she took it to kindergarten for B show and tell.
The next softie I attempted started out as a boredom buster for the children. I had them draw something and I would Attempt to make what they drew. M drew this rabbit. I couldn't get a real clear pic, but it's purple with white spots.
So, I showed her my felted sweater stash and she picked a creamy angora cable knit sweater (she has good taste. It's one of my best. LOL) This is how it turned out. I just free handed the body and used only one layer of felt for the front paws. I sculpted and embroidered it's little face. I was pleased with how well my first attempt at it turned out.
Finally J told me he didn't know how to draw an elephant, but that's what he wanted. I used the elephant pattern from the book I used on C's bear. I altered the length of the trunk and took it's legs off and added button jointed legs that I free handed. For this one I used a dark grey cable knit felted sweater, and some cute blue bubble fabric for the ears. I wasn't sure how he would turn out, but it worked really well. I think I need to add some thing to his eyes, they just don't look right to me. tell me what you all think.
So, that's what we've been doing this week. Hope to add to the blog at least once a week, so check back soon!
Lots of Love,

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