Friday, October 23, 2009

My first day...YaY!

Okay, I've been putting this off for awhile. But, today is the day! This will be a blog for family and friends (and of course visitors). It's my way of showing everyone who I am, what I believe in, what we are doing day to day, and also Gods influence in our lives.

My name is Rachel. I'm a stay at home mom and wife. I strive to grow closer to God everyday! My hobbies include, but are not limited to, sewing, baking, and all sorts of craftyness. I've been married for ten and a half yrs to a wonderful man named Billy. We have 3 beautiful monkeys! Stinky monkey just turned ten. For her birthday this past monday, she recieved her first sewing machine! Becoming a double diget person in our home is a Big deal, so we decided she needed a big deal birthday gift! She is smart and creative and a little strong willed (not sure where that came from ;) ) Then comes Squeaky monkey. She is six, and a total girly girl. She loves doll babies of all shapes and sizes, and has a nursery of seven babies. She also has a flock of lambs (stuffed at this point in time). Last, but hopefully not The last, is Squirmy. He is four and a manly boy with a super hero alter ego (cape included). He has some wild adventures as you'll soon find out!

So, I'd like to TRY to post at least one crafty thing each time I post. Today's will be what I taught squeaky to do. Hand embroidery. I wasn't sure if she could do it since she is only six. But hey pioneer girls made whole quilts by seven, so I figured I'd try it with her. She did great! I simply cut a six inch fabric square and drew on it with chalk two simple hearts. I showed her how to make a simple running stitch and let her loose. This is how it turned out. She wants to frame it and give it to her kindergarten teacher. (What's better than a handmade Christmas gift?!)

Didn't Squeaky do a great job on her first try!?!

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